Martin & Annie in the Honey Silk Gown
Annie and Martin got married in Holbox, Mexico; a remote island in Mexico that is only accessible by ferry. There are no cars, limited electricity, little golf carts to get around, and sandy roads. The style of their wedding was a "backyard" boho and tropical style wedding in a beachfront location of an Airbnb villa.
What is a Grace woman to you?
Someone who is unapologetically themselves, fierce and confident in their own skin, and a beautiful beach babe.
¿Qué vestido de GRACE usaste y cómo supiste que era "El Elegido"?
I chose the honey silk dress very unexpectedly. I went into the showroom thinking I would love an all lace dress, but then realized that the light and simple feel of the silk dress made me feel comfortable, sexy, and confident all at once.
Tell us about your experience when you found your dress.
Did you buy your wedding dress online or visit one of our Boutiques?
I bought my dress at the Miami shop. This location was closest to my home. Jazmin was extremely patient with me and let me try on every single dress I wanted. I went back a second time to try the Honey Silk on one more time before I officially chose this dress.
¿Cuál fue su primera cita?
Our first date was a night at the iPic movie theater. We watched a murder mystery, cuddled with blankets and wine, and then walked to the theater bar after. We sat there and talked for hours and hours about our upbringings and our families.
¿Has hecho algo de bricolaje?
¿El momento más divertido del día o algo que le haya sorprendido?
One amazing surprise the day of my wedding was that a few of my best friends who are musicians, played and sang a few of my favorite songs. Although I had requested this, hearing it live and how amazing they were, really surprised me and made the night very memorable. My favorite song of the night was "All I Need - cover from the movie CODA".
¿Dónde te casaste?
Cuéntanos sobre el lugar y el estilo de tu boda.
I got married in Holbox, Mexico. This is a little, tiny, tucked away remote island in Mexico that is only accessible by ferry. There are no cars, limited electricity, little golf carts to get around, and sandy roads. The style of my wedding was a "backyard" style wedding in a beachfront location of an Airbnb villa. We rented the house for three days and threw parties there. The wedding was boho and tropical themed.
¿Algún último consejo o palabra de sabiduría que pueda compartir?
Honestly I couldn't recommend Grace Loves Lace more. It truly fit my vibe of being a simple bride but still feeling extremely confident and beautiful the day of my wedding. After the wedding, I even had the dress tailored to a midi length so that I can wear it for future wedding anniversaries. I will never forget it.