Historia de amor en San Valentín: Joanne y Zachary

El novio hace girar a su novia con un vestido de encaje en la Costa de Amalfi
La novia Grace Loves Lace con el vestido Verdelle 2.0

¿Cuál es su recuerdo favorito del día de su boda?

I don’t know if I have a single favourite memory from my wedding day... it was all a happy blur! Rather, there are different moments that remain distinct in my mind because of the gratitude I felt – for our family and friends who travelled across the world to be there, for the vendors who shared their wonderful talents, and for my new husband who would be sharing his life with me.  

Novia con un vestido estilo capa de encaje en un barco con el viento soplando su pelo
Una cena íntima de recepción de boda con poca luz al atardecer en Italia
La novia Grace Loves Lace luciendo el vestido Verdelle 2 con su novio en el camino

How did you feel wearing Grace Loves Lace on your wedding day? And what made you choose the Verdelle 2.0 gown?

I felt like a version of me that I don’t always allow myself to be – a little more daring and free. The Verdelle 2.0 was nothing like the 60+ dresses I had tried on, and it was just the right kind of “different” I didn’t know existed. From the front, the Verdelle 2.0 looks feminine and fun; it gives a peek of the wings draping over the shoulders and the center slit makes it a little more interesting.   And then there’s the back, which I think is the real treat! The back of the Verdelle 2.0 is elegantly bare and gives the surprise of endless layered lace. 

La novia con un vestido de encaje sobre los hombros y el novio con un traje negro

Bata Verdelle 2.0

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Novios en un yate en la Costa de Amalfi

How do you celebrate love/ Valentine’s day now that you’re married?

My best girlfriend and I have an ongoing tradition of spending Valentine’s Day together, with our husbands, at a fast food restaurant.  It’s nice because we can dress comfortably, the food is always tasty and inexpensive, and no planning or reservations are required. This will be our 8th Valentine’s double date celebrating over hamburgers, French fries, and milkshakes! 

La novia Grace con el vestido de novia Verdelle 2.0 sentada en la parte delantera de un yate
La novia lleva un vestido de encaje francés con espalda baja

Si pudieras revivir el día de tu boda, ¿harías algo diferente?

I really wouldn’t do anything differently. I think that might be because I remained fairly relaxed and just allowed myself to enjoy the day as it unfolded. I wasn’t so concerned about everything being perfect, so I felt like everything happened just as it was supposed to.  

La novia Grace con el vestido Verdelle 2.0
Novio con traje negro y camisa blanca dando vueltas a su novia

¿Cómo mantener vivo el romance en su relación día a día?

Our practice of romance isn’t necessarily what some might consider “romantic,in that it doesn’t usually involve grand, passionate displays of love (the kind you might see in movies!). We just find opportunities to show thoughtfulness and reaffirm our partnership with one another. For example, when I recently returned home after having a really lousy day, I found flowers and a sweet message of support from Zac. Our kind of romance may not be flashy or anything extraordinary, but it’s a romance that is sustainable and meaningful for us.   

La novia Grace Loves Lace luciendo el vestido de novia Verdelle 2.0 en la parte delantera de un yate en la Costa de Amalfi

¿Qué les llevó a elegir celebrar su boda en Italia, en la Costa de Amalfi?

Zac and I knew from the beginning that we wanted to have an intimate wedding abroad. I had never been to Europe and this seemed like a good opportunity to explore a new place. I found photos online of our venue in the Amalfi Coast, and like the Verdelle 2.0, it was just the right kind of “different” I didn’t know existed. I arrived in Amalfi less than two days before the wedding and it was just as beautiful and charming in real life. 

What is the most romantic thing Zac has ever done for you? Or visa versa?

The most romantic thing might have been when Zac proposed to me. He wrote me a poem and when I flipped through the journal, I found the ring in a hole he had carved out of the pages. We each wrote our personal vows in that same journal, so it’s a special keepsake.  

Novia con un detallado vestido de encaje que cae sobre los hombros en el agua en Italia
El novio mirando a su novia caminando juntos por el camino

¿Qué consejo daría a una pareja joven en su primer año de matrimonio?

You’ll be happy you put in the hard work together. For me, the hard work involved a mental shift of understanding that my husband is my partner (even when the circumstances might make him feel like an adversary) and learning to communicate with kindness and clarity. I’m still working on it.

Novios abrazados en un barco en la Costa de Amalfi